Norwegian Speaking Audio Data Collector
- Remote
- Anywhere, Oslo, Norway
- Anywhere, Romssa ja Finnmárkku, Norway
- Anywhere, Trööndelage, Norway
- Anywhere, Vestland, Norway
- Anywhere, Agder, Norway
- Anywhere, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
- Anywhere, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway
- Anywhere, Innlandet, Norway
- Anywhere, Jan Mayen (Arctic Region), Norway
- Anywhere, Svalbard (Arctic Region), Norway
- Anywhere, Nordland, Norway
- Anywhere, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
- Anywhere, Rogaland, Norway
- Anywhere, Alaska, United States
- Anywhere, Alabama, United States
- Anywhere, Connecticut, United States
- Anywhere, Delaware, United States
- Anywhere, Hawaii, United States
- Anywhere, Idaho, United States
- Anywhere, Indiana, United States
- Anywhere, Iowa, United States
- Anywhere, Kansas, United States
- Anywhere, Kentucky, United States
- Anywhere, Louisiana, United States
- Anywhere, Maryland, United States
- Anywhere, Michigan, United States
- Anywhere, Minnesota, United States
- Anywhere, Wyoming, United States
- Anywhere, Wisconsin, United States
- Anywhere, Virginia, United States
- Anywhere, Vermont, United States
- Anywhere, Utah, United States
- Anywhere, North Dakota, United States
- Anywhere, Ohio, United States
- Anywhere, Oklahoma, United States
- Anywhere, Oregon, United States
- Anywhere, South Carolina, United States
- Anywhere, South Dakota, United States
- Anywhere, Tennessee, United States
- Anywhere, Mississippi, United States
- Anywhere, Missouri, United States
- Anywhere, Montana, United States
- Anywhere, Nebraska, United States
- Anywhere, Nevada, United States
- Anywhere, New Hampshire, United States
- Anywhere, Salta, Argentina
- Anywhere, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Anywhere, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Anywhere, San Luis, Argentina
- Anywhere, Entre Ríos, Argentina
- Anywhere, Santa Cruz, Argentina
- Anywhere, Jujuy, Argentina
- Anywhere, Córdoba, Argentina
- Anywhere, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
- Anywhere, Corrientes, Argentina
- Anywhere, Tucumán, Argentina
- Anywhere, Chubut, Argentina
- Anywhere, Santa Fe, Argentina
- Anywhere, Río Negro, Argentina
- Anywhere, Neuquén, Argentina
- Anywhere, Formosa, Argentina
- Argentina, Misiones, Argentina
- Anywhere, Río Negro, Argentina
- Anywhere, Mendoza, Argentina
- Anywhere, La Pampa, Argentina
- Argentina, Catamarca, Argentina
- Anywhere, Chaco, Argentina
- Anywhere, San Juan, Argentina
- Anywhere, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
- Anywhere, La Rioja, Argentina
- Anywhere, San Luis, Argentina
- Anywhere, Entre Ríos, Argentina
- Anywhere, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Anywhere, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Anywhere, New Brunswick, Canada
- anywhere , New South Wales, Australia
- Anywhere, New Brunswick, Canada
- Anywhere, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
- Anywhere, Auckland, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Chatham Islands Territory, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Greater Wellington, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Waikato, New Zealand
- Anywhere, Antrim and Newtownabbey, United Kingdom
- Anywhere, Antrim and Newtownabbey, United Kingdom
- Anywhere, New Mexico, United States
- Anywhere, Quebec, Canada
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Anywhere, Yukon, Canada
- Anywhere, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Anywhere, Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Anywhere, Ontario, Canada
- Anywhere, Nunavut, Canada
- Anywhere, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Anywhere, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Anywhere, Manitoba, Canada
- Anywhere, British Columbia, Canada
- Anywhere, Yukon, Canada
- Anywhere, Manitoba, Canada
- Anywhere, British Columbia, Canada
- Anywhere, Midtjylland, Denmark
- Anywhere, Syddanmark, Denmark
- Anywhere, Sjælland, Denmark
- anywhere, Sjælland, Denmark
- anywhere, Hovedstaden, Denmark
- anywhere, Nordjylland, Denmark
- anywhere, Syddanmark, Denmark
+107 more
Job description
LXT is an emerging leader in AI training data to power intelligent technology for global organizations. In partnership with an international network of contributors, LXT collects and annotates data across multiple modalities with the speed, scale and agility required by the enterprise.
We are seeking speakers to participate in an audio data collection project. As an Audio Data Collector, your primary task will be to read 250 short form prompts in a specified emotion.
Job requirements
Bli med på vårt lydprosjekt og tjen penger!
Hjelp til med å forbedre norsk talegjenkjenning og la stemmen din telle!
Spill inn 250 korte setninger med en spesifikk emosjon.
Norsk som morsmål
Tydelig uttale
Pålitelig internettforbindelse
Bruk en Windows- eller Android-enhet (iOS støttes ikke)
Tjen $0,13 USD per opptak
Fullfør alle 250 opptakene og få utbetalt $32,50 (utbetaling via AirTm)
Søk nå og bidra til bedre taleteknologi for fellesskapet!
Join Our Audio Project & Earn Money!
Help improve Norwegian speech recognition and make your voice count!
Task: Record 250 short prompts in a specific emotion.
Native Norwegian speaker
Clear pronunciation
Reliable internet connection
Use a Windows or Android device (iOS not supported)
Earn $0.13 USD per prompt
Complete all 250 prompts and get rewarded $32.50 (paid via AirTm)
Apply now and contribute to better voice technology for the community!
All done!
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